Church Sermons

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Title Speaker Date Duration Series Hits
Lessons in wisdom, part three Wed, 15-09-2021 43:36 Pope Tawdroes II Weekly Lecture 345
O Lord, hear Wed, 15-09-2021 09:18 Reflections on early prayer 738
From the Treasures of the Bible, Episode One Hundred and Twelfth Wed, 15-09-2021 04:11 from the treasures of the Bible program 455
From the Treasures of the Bible, Episode One Hundred and Eleven Tue, 14-09-2021 04:35 from the treasures of the Bible program 706
Inauguration and baptism Mon, 13-09-2021 21:02 Pope Tawdroes II Weekly Lecture 520
From the Treasures of the Bible, Episode One Hundred and Ten Mon, 13-09-2021 03:58 from the treasures of the Bible program 626
From the Treasures of the Bible, Episode One Hundred and Nine Sun, 12-09-2021 03:55 from the treasures of the Bible program 648
Greater than John the Baptist Sun, 12-09-2021 12:39 Church's Holly Masses 701
John the Baptist Sun, 12-09-2021 10:25 Church's Holly Masses 662
Martyrdom in Christianity Sun, 12-09-2021 12:13 Sermons events 401
Praise the Lord Sun, 12-09-2021 06:04 Reflections on early prayer 290
proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord Sat, 11-09-2021 06:22 Sermons events 526
Christ's life-giving message Sat, 11-09-2021 17:30 Sermons events 480
From the Treasures of the Bible, Episode One Hundred and Eight Sat, 11-09-2021 05:15 from the treasures of the Bible program 486
Testimony to Christ Fri, 10-09-2021 24:08 Sermons events 516
Year of release Fri, 10-09-2021 31:34 Sakhra 630
Dialogue languages Fri, 10-09-2021 42:31 Service 354
Some Attributes of Our Shepherd Fri, 10-09-2021 15:20 Church's Holly Masses 392
your sorrow will be turned into joy Fri, 10-09-2021 01:11 Church's Holly Masses 343
From the Treasures of the Bible, Episode One Hundred and Seven Fri, 10-09-2021 04:37 from the treasures of the Bible program 306
Martyrs Thu, 09-09-2021 23:03 Karma 490
Proverb an agent of injustice Thu, 09-09-2021 10:34 Church's Holly Masses 420
From the Treasures of the Bible, Episode One Hundred and Six Thu, 09-09-2021 04:42 from the treasures of the Bible program 362
Lessons in wisdom, part two Wed, 08-09-2021 39:13 Pope Tawdroes II Weekly Lecture 376
O God, be mindful Wed, 08-09-2021 03:42 Reflections on early prayer 344
From the Treasures of the Bible, Episode One Hundred and Five Wed, 08-09-2021 05:11 from the treasures of the Bible program 270
From the Treasures of the Bible, Episode One Hundred and Four Tue, 07-09-2021 04:11 from the treasures of the Bible program 737
From the Treasures of the Bible, Episode One Hundred and Three Mon, 06-09-2021 05:36 from the treasures of the Bible program 507
he who endures to the end shall be saved Sun, 05-09-2021 16:11 Church's Holly Masses 958
condemnation Sun, 05-09-2021 54:32 Sermons events 547
blessing this year Sun, 05-09-2021 11:49 Church's Holly Masses 780
God shall pity us Sun, 05-09-2021 05:09 Reflections on early prayer 737
From Treasures of the Bible, Episode One Hundred and Two Sun, 05-09-2021 04:25 from the treasures of the Bible program 822
Faith in Christ is the way to salvation Sat, 04-09-2021 17:52 Church's Holly Masses 635
and will die in your sin Sat, 04-09-2021 10:01 Church's Holly Masses 755
وتموتون في خطاياكم Sat, 04-09-2021 10:01 عظات قداسات الكنيسة 644
From the Treasures of the Bible, Episode One Hundred and One Sat, 04-09-2021 04:14 برنامج من كنوز الكتاب المقدس 481
The family that God wants Fri, 03-09-2021 45:02 Married 522
The grain of wheat Fri, 03-09-2021 38:40 Sakhra 691
fiery servent Fri, 03-09-2021 39:33 Service 342
Faith in the resurrection of the dead Fri, 03-09-2021 15:15 Church's Holly Masses 315
From Treasures of the Bible, Episode one hundred Fri, 03-09-2021 04:35 from the treasures of the Bible program 636
Testimony to Christ Thu, 02-09-2021 09:29 Church's Holly Masses 376
From the Treasures of the Bible, episode ninety-nine Thu, 02-09-2021 04:59 from the treasures of the Bible program 267
lessons in wisdom Wed, 01-09-2021 42:33 Pope Tawdroes II Weekly Lecture 541
O God, You are my God Wed, 01-09-2021 07:43 Reflections on early prayer 612
From the Treasures of the Bible, episode ninety-eight Wed, 01-09-2021 04:39 from the treasures of the Bible program 510
From the Treasures of the Bible, episode ninety-seven Tue, 31-08-2021 05:32 from the treasures of the Bible program 486
Bishop Peter Bishop of Shibin el-Qanater Mon, 30-08-2021 11:48 Pope Tawdroes II Weekly Lecture 535
The fruits of transfiguration Mon, 30-08-2021 07:44 Program mother of my Lord 358