Church Sermons

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Title Speaker Date Duration Series Hits
From the treasures of the Bible, episode ninety-six Mon, 30-08-2021 05:33 from the treasures of the Bible program 582
The Lord shall hear you in the day of your trouble Sun, 29-08-2021 49:37 Sermons events 588
Signs of the end of days Sun, 29-08-2021 18:19 Church's Holly Masses 528
Why don't we see God Sun, 29-08-2021 13:09 Church's Holly Masses 546
readiness Sun, 29-08-2021 17:38 Church's Holly Masses 343
The Lord is my light Sun, 29-08-2021 09:46 Church's Holly Masses 418
From the Treasures of the Bible, Episode Ninety-Fifth Sun, 29-08-2021 04:40 from the treasures of the Bible program 468
purity of heart Sat, 28-08-2021 15:01 Church's Holly Masses 467
formal religiosity Sat, 28-08-2021 17:39 Church's Holly Masses 335
From the Treasures of the Bible, Episode Ninety-Four Sat, 28-08-2021 05:54 from the treasures of the Bible program 410
Ways look straight Fri, 27-08-2021 47:08 Sakhra 549
time management Fri, 27-08-2021 42:03 Service 502
wise women Fri, 27-08-2021 16:01 Church's Holly Masses 470
How do we acquire wisdom Fri, 27-08-2021 17:20 Church's Holly Masses 404
From the Treasures of the Bible, Episode Ninety-Three Fri, 27-08-2021 04:41 from the treasures of the Bible program 433
From the Treasures of the Bible, Episode Ninety-second Thu, 26-08-2021 04:57 from the treasures of the Bible program 470
The beauty of the church Thu, 26-08-2021 19:09 Pope Tawdroes II Weekly Lecture 305
the fear Thu, 26-08-2021 12:07 Church's Holly Masses 336
Joy to you, mother of God Thu, 26-08-2021 05:58 Program mother of my Lord 324
God man Wed, 25-08-2021 45:09 Pope Tawdroes II Weekly Lecture 317
To You, O Lord Wed, 25-08-2021 11:20 Reflections on early prayer 388
from the treasures of the Bible Episode Ninety-first Wed, 25-08-2021 04:14 from the treasures of the Bible program 365
From the Treasures of the Bible, Episode Ninety Tue, 24-08-2021 04:07 from the treasures of the Bible program 433
The Most Generous Patron Mon, 23-08-2021 04:15 Sermons events 429
From the Treasures of the Bible, Episode Eighty-Nine Mon, 23-08-2021 05:13 from the treasures of the Bible program 436
The virtue of submission in the life of the Virgin Mary Sun, 22-08-2021 22:21 Sermons events 415
whoever does the will of God Sun, 22-08-2021 25:49 Sermons events 470
Virgin delivery life Sun, 22-08-2021 13:34 Sermons events 405
The heavens declare Sun, 22-08-2021 06:38 Reflections on early prayer 344
From the Treasures of the Bible, Episode Eighty-Eight Sun, 22-08-2021 05:15 from the treasures of the Bible program 342
overcome evil with good Sat, 21-08-2021 43:36 from the treasures of the Bible program 406
Attributes of the sons of light Sat, 21-08-2021 13:10 Church's Holly Masses 420
From the Treasures of the Bible, Episode Eighty-Seven Sat, 21-08-2021 04:15 from the treasures of the Bible program 405
Beloved, do not avenge yourselves, but rather give place to wrath Fri, 20-08-2021 32:50 Renaissance 538
the shepherd who conquered Fri, 20-08-2021 48:50 Service 436
I am the door of the sheep Fri, 20-08-2021 17:11 Church's Holly Masses 343
From the Treasures of the Bible, Episode Eighty-Six Fri, 20-08-2021 04:36 from the treasures of the Bible program 312
Do not be wise in your own opinion Thu, 19-08-2021 48:00 Renaissance 687
transfiguration Thu, 19-08-2021 20:10 Sermons events 666
From the Treasures of the Bible, Episode Eighty-Five Thu, 19-08-2021 04:51 from the treasures of the Bible program 425
The Mother of Light surpassed the heavenly and the earthly Thu, 19-08-2021 05:25 Program mother of my Lord 578
The message of joy, part nine Wed, 18-08-2021 43:48 Pope Tawdroes II Weekly Lecture 644
one attention Wed, 18-08-2021 51:35 Renaissance 531
Keep me, O Lord Wed, 18-08-2021 08:44 Reflections on early prayer 510
From the Treasures of the Bible, Episode Eighty-Four Wed, 18-08-2021 03:49 from the treasures of the Bible program 750
bless and do not curse Tue, 17-08-2021 45:36 Renaissance 1046
From the Treasures of the Bible, Episode Eighty-Three Tue, 17-08-2021 03:55 from the treasures of the Bible program 513
given to hospitality Mon, 16-08-2021 39:22 Renaissance 504
the chaste and undefiled Mon, 16-08-2021 06:04 Program mother of my Lord 801
From the Treasures of the Bible, Episode Eighty-Second Mon, 16-08-2021 03:49 from the treasures of the Bible program 395