Church Sermons

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Title Speaker Date Duration Series Hits
Glimpses of the life of our deceased father, Father Boutroes Gaid Sun, 01-08-2021 21:40 Sermons events 561
behold, he whom You love is sick Sun, 01-08-2021 10:52 Church's Holly Masses 384
Reflections on the residence of Lazarus Sun, 01-08-2021 12:28 Church's Holly Masses 454
Lazarus' resurrection from the dead Sun, 01-08-2021 10:48 Church's Holly Masses 270
From the Treasures of the Bible, Episode Sixty Seven Sun, 01-08-2021 04:20 from the treasures of the Bible program 498
Why the pain Sat, 31-07-2021 17:06 Church's Holly Masses 556
Make the tree good and the fruit good Sat, 31-07-2021 22:03 Church's Holly Masses 404
The status of martyrs Sat, 31-07-2021 15:14 Church's Holly Masses 858
From the Treasures of the Bible, Episode Sixty Six Sat, 31-07-2021 04:26 from the treasures of the Bible program 541
Whoever wants to be great, let him be your servant Fri, 30-07-2021 17:35 Church's Holly Masses 529
Saint Longinus the Soldier and Saint Marina the Martyr Fri, 30-07-2021 12:35 Church's Holly Masses 467
From the Treasures of the Bible, Episode Sixty Five Fri, 30-07-2021 05:35 from the treasures of the Bible program 478
Forward failure Fri, 30-07-2021 31:43 Service 311
God's work in my life Thu, 29-07-2021 36:24 Karma 538
For He has regarded the lowly state of His maidservant Thu, 29-07-2021 06:38 Program mother of my Lord 342
From the Treasures of the Bible, Episode Sixty-four Thu, 29-07-2021 05:09 from the treasures of the Bible program 385
The message of joy, part six Wed, 28-07-2021 44:36 Pope Tawdroes II Weekly Lecture 210
Hearken, O Lord, Wed, 28-07-2021 08:32 Reflections on early prayer 425
From the Treasures of the Bible, Episode Sixty-Three Wed, 28-07-2021 04:35 from the treasures of the Bible program 442
Philippians 2 part 2 Tue, 27-07-2021 49:30 Archangel Mikhael 325
From Treasures of the Bible, Episode Sixty Two Tue, 27-07-2021 04:51 from the treasures of the Bible program 360
The Virgin, the maidservant and maid Mon, 26-07-2021 06:35 Program mother of my Lord 350
From the Treasures of the Bible, Episode Sixty-first Mon, 26-07-2021 04:27 from the treasures of the Bible program 259
Real wealth and unreal wealth Sun, 25-07-2021 18:06 Church's Holly Masses 170
How did the church start and survive? Sun, 25-07-2021 17:08 Church's Holly Masses 397
From the Treasures of the Bible, Episode Sixty Sun, 25-07-2021 03:55 from the treasures of the Bible program 277
When I cried out Sun, 25-07-2021 09:04 Reflections on early prayer 271
Between wisdom and ignorance Sat, 24-07-2021 14:06 Church's Holly Masses 269
From the Treasures of the Bible, Episode Fifty-Nine Sat, 24-07-2021 04:44 from the treasures of the Bible program 268
there stands One among Fri, 23-07-2021 49:51 Sakhra 289
Follow me Fri, 23-07-2021 18:18 Church's Holly Masses 266
there are also other things that Jesus did Fri, 23-07-2021 17:47 Church's Holly Masses 274
Follow me Fri, 23-07-2021 19:15 Church's Holly Masses 277
From the Treasures of the Bible, Episode Fifty-Eight Fri, 23-07-2021 04:37 from the treasures of the Bible program 239
Jacob the Apostle Thu, 22-07-2021 25:16 Karma 499
God's power Thu, 22-07-2021 12:18 Church's Holly Masses 252
Mother of meek Thu, 22-07-2021 06:59 from the treasures of the Bible program 338
From the Treasures of the Bible, Episode Fifty Seven Thu, 22-07-2021 04:22 from the treasures of the Bible program 344
Lord, how Wed, 21-07-2021 04:56 Reflections on early prayer 722
The message of joy, part five Wed, 21-07-2021 25:49 Pope Tawdroes II Weekly Lecture 191
From the Treasures of the Bible, Episode Fifty-six Wed, 21-07-2021 05:07 from the treasures of the Bible program 486
righteous priest Tue, 20-07-2021 11:35 Sermons events 334
From the Treasures of the Bible, Episode Fifty-Fifth Tue, 20-07-2021 04:07 from the treasures of the Bible program 619
The fast cloud coming to Egypt Mon, 19-07-2021 05:20 Program mother of my Lord 774
From the Treasures of the Bible Episode Fifty-Four Mon, 19-07-2021 04:10 from the treasures of the Bible program 632
the prayer Mon, 19-07-2021 34:03 Ladies 288
Why do the nations rage Sun, 18-07-2021 08:03 Reflections on early prayer 830
From the Treasures of the Bible, Episode Fifty-Three Sun, 18-07-2021 04:26 from the treasures of the Bible program 598
Get into my ship Sun, 18-07-2021 30:05 Sermons events 214
"Who then is greatest in the kingdom of heaven Sun, 18-07-2021 21:09 Church's Holly Masses 179