Church Sermons

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Title Speaker Date Duration Series Hits
The joyful news Sun, 07-04-2024 14:29 Sermons events 154
Belly fruit fare Mon, 04-01-2021 05:58 Beginning of time 326
The victories we achieve in the lent Tue, 19-07-2016 42:42 Father Boutros Gaid Sermons 847
Prophecies of the third hour of holy Friday Fri, 08-04-2022 15:28 A step-by-step program on the way to Calvary 486
For we were saved in this hope Sat, 13-08-2016 52:39 Renaissance 885
Be on guard! Be alert Mon, 14-08-2017 32:06 Renaissance 1080
Joy in divine consolations Wed, 26-05-2021 10:35 The resurrection joys program 241
Sanctifying the heart Fri, 29-03-2024 59:20 Sakhra 59
Rejoice evermore Thu, 13-08-2015 51:03 Renaissance 762
Slaying praise Sun, 22-10-2023 04:06 message from heaven program 148
Pope Athanasius the Apostolic Wed, 03-05-2017 01:02:00 Noor 1423
Therefore, as God’s chosen people clothe yourselves kindness Mon, 13-08-2018 35:10 Renaissance 735
Ways to offer love to Sunday of the prodigal son Wed, 03-04-2024 40:28 Pope Tawdroes II Weekly Lecture 83
Talent Service Wed, 02-08-2017 27:35 Ava Ebraem 1145
Praise of Virgin Mary Wed, 13-08-2014 01:01:03 Renaissance 846
For He has regarded the lowly state of His maidservant Thu, 29-07-2021 06:38 Program mother of my Lord 342
Galatians 3 part 3 Tue, 20-09-2016 22:27 Archangel Mikhael 803
Songs of Solomon part 3 Sun, 19-08-2018 06:11 Have a question 679
Behold, your house is left to you desolate Sun, 14-04-2024 01:19:14 Father Phlimoun Ava Bishoy Service 64
Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness Mon, 11-03-2024 32:06 Ladies 116
Let us give thanks to the beneficent for has brought us to this hour Sat, 13-08-2022 39:57 Renaissance 483
Devil's war Sat, 30-10-2021 46:59 Christian Family 447
Glory to our Lord Jesus Christ Mon, 05-12-2022 07:47 from the treasures of the Bible program 180
Your law is a lamp to my feet, and a light to my paths Sun, 28-02-2021 10:13 Meditations program for the midnight prayer 816
an enlightened soul Tue, 13-08-2019 33:03 Renaissance 1832