Church Sermons

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Title Speaker Date Duration Series Hits
Facts in proverb of agent of injustice Sat, 22-01-2022 18:44 Church's Holly Masses 504
blessed are those who hear the word of God and keep it Sun, 16-01-2022 14:21 Church's Holly Masses 648
The lamp of the body is the eye Sun, 16-01-2022 13:06 Church's Holly Masses 459
blessed are those who hear the word and keep it Sun, 16-01-2022 17:53 Church's Holly Masses 485
Spirituality Sat, 15-01-2022 18:53 Church's Holly Masses 540
The Lord is my shepherd Sat, 15-01-2022 11:27 Church's Holly Masses 470
For unto us a Child is born Thu, 13-01-2022 18:18 Church's Holly Masses 281
Out of Egypt I called My Son Sun, 09-01-2022 18:58 Church's Holly Masses 777
work and learn Sun, 09-01-2022 12:33 Church's Holly Masses 559
spoken by the prophets, "He shall be called a Nazarene Sun, 09-01-2022 17:01 Church's Holly Masses 352
Joy mixed with pain Sun, 02-01-2022 13:33 Church's Holly Masses 376
The praise of Zacharias the priest Sun, 02-01-2022 23:35 Church's Holly Masses 603
Zechariah the priest prophesied Sun, 02-01-2022 10:45 Church's Holly Masses 826
Christ is the son of David and the Lord of David Sat, 01-01-2022 12:01 Church's Holly Masses 327
For with God nothing will be impossible Fri, 31-12-2021 09:10 Church's Holly Masses 450
Angel's Annunciation to the Virgin Fri, 31-12-2021 17:15 Church's Holly Masses 473
the acceptable year of the Lord Fri, 31-12-2021 10:40 Church's Holly Masses 306
The kingdom of heaven is at hand Thu, 30-12-2021 10:58 Church's Holly Masses 386
strong start Sun, 26-12-2021 10:50 Church's Holly Masses 563
For the LORD hath chosen Zion; he hath desired it for his habitation Sun, 26-12-2021 19:04 Church's Holly Masses 599
Mercy and truth have met together Sun, 26-12-2021 17:40 Church's Holly Masses 698
Followed Sat, 25-12-2021 14:44 Church's Holly Masses 699
the baptism that we baptized Sat, 25-12-2021 20:11 Church's Holly Masses 667
I am Fri, 24-12-2021 17:19 Church's Holly Masses 731
Did Christ Say I am God Fri, 24-12-2021 23:07 Church's Holly Masses 707