Church Sermons

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Title Speaker Date Duration Series Hits
Song of Solomon Fri, 09-10-2015 21:04 Service 607
Dispute or difference Fri, 09-10-2015 37:08 Sakhra 592
The person who loves Christ Fri, 09-10-2015 40:22 Pope Tawdroes II Weekly Lecture 687
oppression Fri, 09-10-2015 19:34 Church's Holly Masses 632
Zacchaeus the publican Thu, 08-10-2015 44:33 Pope Tawdroes II Weekly Lecture 665
Acceptance of the church for sinners Thu, 08-10-2015 42:38 Karma 736
The bondage of fear Thu, 08-10-2015 16:42 Church's Holly Masses 527
Love does not envy Tue, 06-10-2015 37:46 Archangel Mikhael 595
Do not take the children's bread and put to the dogs Sun, 04-10-2015 25:06 Church's Holly Masses 545
Marvelous is God in His saints Sat, 03-10-2015 19:17 Church's Holly Masses 628
The entrance to the Bible Sat, 03-10-2015 57:04 Noor 841
Features Coptic translation of the Bible Sat, 03-10-2015 36:24 Noor 724
Conjoined with good Sat, 03-10-2015 20:14 Christian Family 633
Reflections on Service Fri, 02-10-2015 13:01 Service 650
He loved us to the end Fri, 02-10-2015 16:12 Church's Holly Masses 630
And entered into the boat Fri, 02-10-2015 40:21 Married 846
Family relationship Thu, 01-10-2015 19:05 Church's Holly Masses 703
God accept us Thu, 01-10-2015 49:05 Karma 704
The love of Christ represented in the Cross Mon, 28-09-2015 18:31 Sermons events 584
Carry the cross Sun, 27-09-2015 24:30 Sermons events 604
And he asked to see Jesus Sun, 27-09-2015 12:53 Church's Holly Masses 612
Zacchaeus Sun, 27-09-2015 15:33 Church's Holly Masses 692
Relationship with Cross Sat, 26-09-2015 20:04 Church's Holly Masses 605
Rejoice, because your names are written in heaven Sat, 26-09-2015 06:13 Church's Holly Masses 580
Loving process Sat, 26-09-2015 27:29 Christian Family 721