Church Sermons

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Title Speaker Date Duration Series Hits
Power factors at the servent Fri, 06-07-2018 44:41 Service 847
Be alert Fri, 06-07-2018 13:51 Church's Holly Masses 843
Commend the dishonest manager Fri, 06-07-2018 12:48 Church's Holly Masses 780
How The master commended the dishonest manager Fri, 06-07-2018 20:11 Church's Holly Masses 854
Why does God allow persecution? Thu, 05-07-2018 11:04 Church's Holly Masses 673
Revolution today Thu, 05-07-2018 49:42 Karma 599
The Mass is the vitality of the Church Wed, 04-07-2018 38:06 Pope Tawdroes II Weekly Lecture 629
1 John 3 Tue, 03-07-2018 36:26 Archangel Mikhael 670
Ladies in the Church of the Apostles Mon, 02-07-2018 27:53 Ladies 751
Acts part 5 Sun, 01-07-2018 52:12 Father Phlimoun Ava Bishoy Service 706
The entry of Christ into the land of Egypt Sun, 01-07-2018 06:56 Pope Tawdroes II Weekly Lecture 628
The new human Sun, 01-07-2018 14:48 Church's Holly Masses 575
Love of enemies Sun, 01-07-2018 09:35 Church's Holly Masses 631
Spiritual Man Sat, 30-06-2018 39:28 Christian Family 823
honesty Sat, 30-06-2018 22:43 Church's Holly Masses 611
thoughtful Fri, 29-06-2018 33:35 Sakhra 690
It's not your right Fri, 29-06-2018 25:29 Sakhra 586
Diseases in the Bible Fri, 29-06-2018 37:29 Service 892
Witness to God Fri, 29-06-2018 17:22 Church's Holly Masses 626
Christ's invitation to service Fri, 29-06-2018 12:15 Church's Holly Masses 598
Patience Fri, 29-06-2018 11:23 Church's Holly Masses 584
Consecration Thu, 28-06-2018 28:27 Sermons events 818
The nature of the One Christ through Theoatokyut Thu, 28-06-2018 43:27 Karma 662
Prayer is the power of the Church Wed, 27-06-2018 39:13 Pope Tawdroes II Weekly Lecture 651
1 John 2 part 3 Tue, 26-06-2018 37:16 Archangel Mikhael 762
What is vigilance? Mon, 25-06-2018 25:44 Ladies 710
Songs of Solomon part 1 Sun, 24-06-2018 07:59 Have a question 833
Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit Sun, 24-06-2018 26:46 General Topics 773
Heart is treasure Sun, 24-06-2018 24:48 Church's Holly Masses 604
Acts part 4 Sun, 24-06-2018 55:37 Father Phlimoun Ava Bishoy Service 685
The teachings of the Apostles Sat, 23-06-2018 39:02 Christian Family 728
readiness Sat, 23-06-2018 11:07 Church's Holly Masses 879
God gives hope Sat, 23-06-2018 13:14 Church's Holly Masses 669
What thou sow them shall be harvested Fri, 22-06-2018 36:28 Sakhra 597
Book I liked Fri, 22-06-2018 10:34 Sakhra 544
Method of service through the Acts Fri, 22-06-2018 43:32 Service 576
Martyrdom in the Church Fri, 22-06-2018 18:49 Church's Holly Masses 598
Good faith Fri, 22-06-2018 16:48 Church's Holly Masses 499
As he speaks Fri, 22-06-2018 18:19 Church's Holly Masses 553
Church Tradition Thu, 21-06-2018 45:44 Karma 522
He is my son Thu, 21-06-2018 14:31 Church's Holly Masses 581
Measures of honesty Wed, 20-06-2018 28:45 Pope Tawdroes II Weekly Lecture 555
1 John 2 part 2 Tue, 19-06-2018 34:32 Archangel Mikhael 596
Hidden treasure in a field Mon, 18-06-2018 31:24 Ladies 680
Acts part 3 Sun, 17-06-2018 01:01:46 Father Phlimoun Ava Bishoy Service 821
We have seen remarkable things today Sun, 17-06-2018 16:02 Church's Holly Masses 654
your sins are forgiven Sun, 17-06-2018 10:55 Church's Holly Masses 580
Who are the apostles Sat, 16-06-2018 26:27 Christian Family 612
Access to depth Sat, 16-06-2018 09:54 Church's Holly Masses 475
The Holy Spirit testifies that we are children of God Sat, 16-06-2018 21:48 Church's Holly Masses 548