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Title Category Speaker Date Duration Hits
Communication Married Fri, 06-12-2019 56:48 393
The wise woman Married Fri, 15-11-2019 56:04 331
Time of love Married Fri, 01-11-2019 43:10 746
How do I understand my partner Married Fri, 04-10-2019 01:03:27 541
Joyful Married Fri, 06-09-2019 49:43 476
youssef The Carpenter Married Fri, 02-08-2019 13:44 417
Character Style Married Fri, 05-07-2019 43:24 626
Human soul Married Fri, 14-06-2019 47:33 1275
Compatibility in life Married Fri, 07-06-2019 39:05 799
Medai & Family Married Fri, 03-05-2019 45:49 652
Happinese Married Fri, 05-04-2019 41:14 1740
Lent Married Fri, 01-03-2019 01:11:44 821
Methods of selection Married Fri, 01-02-2019 42:04 982
Blessed and honesty Married Fri, 11-01-2019 01:05:25 617
Praise the Lord, my soul Married Fri, 14-12-2018 39:36 1212
Spiritual Snooze Married Fri, 23-11-2018 01:01:15 691
Connection Married Fri, 02-11-2018 30:22 700
Chose true Married Fri, 05-10-2018 41:51 625
Our strong Christ in the Book of Revelation Married Fri, 07-09-2018 43:47 668
The art of dealing with children Married Fri, 03-08-2018 47:39 719
Those who enter into the kingdom of heaven Married Fri, 13-07-2018 42:49 782
Anger Management Married Fri, 04-05-2018 49:53 789
Our sons are in the wind Married Fri, 13-04-2018 28:50 723
Family and feelings Married Fri, 09-03-2018 50:35 779
Of marital problems Married Fri, 02-02-2018 37:30 752
Marriage happiness Married Fri, 01-12-2017 30:58 778
Virtues in the life of Nehemiah Married Fri, 10-11-2017 48:16 866
Romance between couples Married Fri, 13-10-2017 57:36 812
How happier is my life partner Married Sat, 23-09-2017 01:15:43 916
Icon of the Church Married Fri, 01-09-2017 28:24 826
Listen, daughter Married Fri, 04-08-2017 22:38 915
the behavior Married Fri, 07-07-2017 39:00 803
Communicate the home of teenage generations Married Fri, 02-06-2017 38:49 897
Why grieve for death Married Sat, 27-05-2017 53:33 1036
Psalm 24 The Psalm of the Resurrection Married Fri, 12-05-2017 44:53 977
Our opinion in the wrong Man Married Fri, 31-03-2017 40:45 830
The mystery of marriages Married Fri, 03-03-2017 41:40 913
Dealing with child Adolescent Married Fri, 03-02-2017 56:47 821
Recover relations Married Fri, 13-01-2017 39:27 869
Deviation of human behavior Married Fri, 02-12-2016 44:22 845
Turmoil Married Thu, 01-12-2016 50:37 943
Christ's presence in the family Married Fri, 18-11-2016 24:57 901
Sin grumbling Married Fri, 04-11-2016 32:13 809
Sexual Culture for children Married Fri, 07-10-2016 47:38 825
he who wins souls is wise Married Fri, 05-08-2016 59:14 943
Parental treatment for sons Married Fri, 01-07-2016 53:24 788
Teach me in your life Married Fri, 03-06-2016 52:32 844
The philosophy of Christian marriage Married Fri, 13-05-2016 37:03 839
I want understand you Married Fri, 01-04-2016 01:12:53 821
Be Kind Married Fri, 04-03-2016 56:33 943