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Title Category Speaker Date Duration Hits
my strength is made perfect in weakness Married Fri, 26-02-2016 01:02:26 883
Relationship with God Married Fri, 19-02-2016 58:55 1102
Successful melee Married Fri, 12-02-2016 01:30:54 921
Aquila and Priscilla Married Fri, 01-01-2016 17:16 829
Christ in the center of the family Married Mon, 07-12-2015 22:48 809
Listen in dialogue Married Fri, 06-11-2015 30:26 795
And entered into the boat Married Fri, 02-10-2015 40:21 841
The first year of marriage Married Fri, 04-09-2015 01:00:27 739
Dialogue Married Fri, 31-07-2015 01:04:09 860
Frustration marital Married Fri, 03-07-2015 01:01:35 685
The foundations of a successful family Married Fri, 01-05-2015 45:14 736
Problems in the family Married Fri, 06-03-2015 46:41 755
The foundations successful marriage Married Sat, 21-02-2015 01:21:24 755
Peace at home Married Fri, 06-02-2015 28:52 889
New ideas in the service Married Fri, 02-01-2015 52:42 764
The mental health of newly married couples Married Fri, 05-12-2014 01:11:12 765
The jealousy Married Fri, 07-11-2014 36:22 880
Nowruz Married Fri, 03-10-2014 29:35 817
Need between spouses Married Fri, 05-09-2014 53:48 784
Authoritarianism and its impact on the family Married Fri, 01-08-2014 36:33 839
Dealing with child Married Fri, 04-07-2014 59:03 780
Goals and means with our children Married Fri, 06-06-2014 48:59 705
Woman definite Man Married Fri, 02-05-2014 34:01 707
The family is icon of church Married Fri, 04-04-2014 25:31 703
Family Married Fri, 07-03-2014 51:14 708
Sexual problems in children Married Fri, 07-02-2014 49:22 663
Duplication Married Fri, 03-01-2014 38:53 732
Relaxing Self Married Sat, 07-12-2013 32:56 731
God's purpose of family Married Sat, 02-11-2013 40:20 698
Kids intelligence Married Sat, 05-10-2013 45:13 752
Christ in the family Married Sat, 07-09-2013 40:24 654